Week 5 - Personal Brand
When you first introduce yourself to anyone it is going to be how you promote yourself and how you sell yourself, which you are your own brand. So, when it comes to social media presence it is similar because it is what you are showing to the world essentially, and to me getting the most out of it is by being your true authentic self. How you do this is by just showing people your interests who you are as a person, showing them you are more than just any other average person and showcase your abilities and experiences that ave built you.
When it comes to job employers and social media presence the companies look at all of it. Tech companies are always selling data and it is a lot easier to look at everyone's social medias than you think. One of the bigger medias, that is important to college students, that I have come to realize is LinkedIn. This media allows you to present yourself in a professional way in order to get those interviews or jobs. It allows you to really showcase everything you have done when it comes to work experience and to show case your attributes on why you should get that job. I plan on using this media way more from now on because I see that it really is helpful in finding people and being able to connect with them and having a presence on this platform can definitely help you in the long run. I still have to add more to my account but it is better to start now than never, because in the future I want companies to look at me and think this is the best candidate for this job and we are going to pick him.
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